Friday, January 31, 2014

Those we have grown to Love

In the midst of the blogs and posts, I can't forget the reason we've come--the precious people of Rwanda.  I cannot imagine the uncertainty the staff and children must have felt as they saw their directors leaving.  

Change has been ongoing in this compound.  There have been several directors over the last few years.  Children have grown up and left, and the staff have shifted.  More recently, as the orphanage shifted into closing, 3/4's of the children have left.  Despite these changes, the children and remaining staff have welcomed us with open arms, ready to love and be loved.

The 17 remaining children range in age from 7-17.  Some are true orphans (no known living relatives), and others are orphaned with distant or estranged relatives.  Either way, the ultimate goal is to see each child placed in a home where they will be safe, fed, cared for, and given an opportunity to complete their education.  The process can take time, or, we could suddenly lose several children in a short period.  

Because we don't know for sure how long we have the children, we want to make the most of every opportunity we have to pour into, teach and love these kids.  Evenings and weekends are special.  We can teach a craft, read a story, pray for/with the children and just have fun.  Soccer is played near the church with our kids.  Whenever Kim is checking on or fixing things, he has several young boys with him.  When I go outside, the kids are asking me about stories, missionaries or our next family night.  The girls sort beans, cut vegetables and talk together.  As we figure out our full routine, we want to include more games, crafts and teaching time on Saturdays.  

We've also been impacted by the staff.  They work with such a quiet and gentle manner, willing to serve wherever needed.  They see the children as a ministry and serve here with joy.  We love and appreciate them all!  

Just before we arrived, the Bible College started on the property.  Included in the 43 students are 2 from Kenya.  It has been fascinating to learn about not only the Rwandan culture, but also that of other countries.  What a great opportunity!

Church has also been opened up to the community.  This last Sunday, we had 96 people attend.  It's exciting to see how the community is able to join us.  In the next few weeks, we hope to train some of the Bible School students in children's ministry, so Sunday school can begin.  This will be a great addition to our Sunday service.

Our family continues to adjust.  Yes, the culture, the land and "everything" is very different, but our family is able to draw closer to each other and work as an effective team.  We are learning to communicate with one another and function together in ways we've never experienced.  We truly see this time together as a gift.

Prayer requests would include:
--wisdom, as we direct here. There is much responsibility, but God is with us.
--health, some have tummy troubles here and there
--continued ability to adapt to and learn this beautiful culture.

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