I am reminded that " no weapon formed against me shall prosper". So, late payments, broken ornaments, stressed spouse and children, painful goodbyes, mounting paperwork and exhaustion will not be weapons to break our family . . .no matter how hard it is! I can see how overwhelmed my family is and somehow God gives us strength for another task. I see the weight of surrender and the intense stress of change in my husband's face and somehow God can give an encouraging word or bring along the right people at the right time. I can even choose to NOT dig into the box of Christmas ornaments that fell from the rafters (to inspect the damage on the collectibles) because I can't change what's happened and if they sit for 2 years, they will still be just fine (deep breath, relax). I know that when I sit down to tackle the paperwork in front of me, God will direct me clearly. No weapon formedwill prosper and only God can keep me in perfect peace.
The intensity of this week honestly doesn't surprise me. We've seen God directing us through this journey, so why would we be shocked when the "heat" is turned up just before we leave? It won't be cliches like " night is darkest just before the dawn" that walk our family through--we don't know what tomorrow holds. What gives me the strength is knowing that no matter what tomorrow brings, God will give me the strength and wisdom I need. How many times do we need to be reminded to not look at our situation with earthly eyes? Oh to have heavenly vision and see what God sees!
There's a reminder in the Old Testament, where Elisha is with his servant. They had been warning the king of Israel where the enemy was at, so the enemy decided to retaliate and attack Elisha. The city was surrounded and Elisha's servant was terrified. Elisha asked God to open his eyes and the servant saw the enemy surrounded by chariots of fire and a heavenly army prepared to defend. God prevailed and the enemy defeated.
We need to be reminded that we are not alone. There are times when circumstances are dire, hopeless or terrifying, this is where we need to ask God to open our eyes so we can see that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. God doesn't just lead us to our battles, He goes through them with us and fights along side us. It is in His strength we have Victory!
"This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord" is the end of that verse, and it definitely applies! We're going to miss you, gracious girl!