Saturday, January 11, 2014

It's a TEAM Effort

"Letters of encouragement, prayer, financial support, meals, watching kids, pop bottles, caring for or adopting pets, house sitting, renting, cleaning, moving . . ." too many things to mention when I begin to count our blessings!  The journey to Rwanda has been filled with support and there is no way we could even begin to consider such a feat on our own.  Daily, our family is in awe by the support of those around us.  We are humbled by those who believe in us and overwhelmed by the task before us.  Thankfully, we are not embarking on this journey alone.

Each person who has encouraged, supported and prayed for us is part of this journey.  They have joined the team to Rwanda, even though they may never set foot in the continent of Africa.  As we go to Rwanda, we are representing not only our church, but each and every one who have supported us. It has been and will continue to be a team effort as we serve.  We bring along your love and support to the people we will be working with.  

Goodbyes are challenging, tears are starting, but anticipation of this adventure is building.  We seriously ask for your continued prayer support as we wrap up the final details, travel for 30+ hours, apply for missionary visas and adjust to a new world. 
--peace upon our family over the last days in Canada, especially Joel & Ethan
--completeness for the final business details
--strength for our family for the traveling (starting with being at Calgary International Airport at 3:00 am on Wednesday morning).

Thank you for your support and encouragement, we look forward to sharing this adventure with you!

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