There's the slower pace of life, where relationships and family are important. Smiles and greetings are the norm as you walk through the village. You are not too busy to talk to your neighbour, catch up with a friend or greet a stranger. Laughter echoes over the hills as children delight in the most simple of toys--string wrapped around leftover paper or plastic and tied into a ball. There you have tag, catch, soccer, capture the ball or whatever the imagination can create.
Simple tools get the job done. Everywhere you look, you see people hard at work, creative in making the most with what they have. Laundry is done mostly by hand. Cleaning with simple mops or squeegees. Prepping and cooking at the orphanage was a group effort, peeling vegetables, sorting beans and working to prepare a meal. We learned that you don't eat in public unless you have enough for all--there's a good picture of the generous heart of the society!
Why is it among the people who we perceive to have the biggest needs we see the most generous givers? What lessons can we take from the many amazing cultures around us instead of always thinking the "West" has all the answers?
What can we learn? What can we give? What can we share? It starts with a shift in our perspective of other countries. It's not about coming in to be the one saving, instead, how can we partner and work together?
. . .and the greatest of these is LOVE.
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