Adjusting back hasn't been as stressful as I thought, but the shift in priorities and perspective has been significant. The goal of cutting our possessions in half (from 3 years ago) had not been achieved. Garage sale items had been set aside prior to our Rwanda trip, but the actual sale did not happen.
Since arriving back home, the urgency to get ready has been strong. I am finding it easier to let go of stuff that once held value or some far off purpose. As I go through rooms, I can't help but recall the ordeal of going through my late grandmother's things. Growing up in the depression years, she couldn't bear to throw anything away. Among her things was a box of string labelled "string too small to use". Wow! Fast forward to today, where we easily live in a "throw-away" generation. Couple that with the lack of "stuff" in Rwanda and the amazing ingenuity in repairing and making do with what they have, how do we merge the vastly different cultures?
For me, it's been stripping away the excess accumulation of stuff from 18 years of marriage and 11 years of homeschooling (oh yes, 10 years of children's ministry, where you never know when you might need "that"). It is analyzing what will be needed after two years, what will be used for teaching our youngest 2 boys and what really has value. Much of what we have is just "stuff" and doesn't make the cut. While we have a long ways to go, I can already feel a difference with what has been cast off.
I have also noticed a distinct shift in priorities, more in my children than anywhere else. I wanted to keep the doors open on as many of their activities as possible, but it is interesting to see how what was so important a few months ago no longer holds the same purpose. . .it comes down to how my 13 year put it . . ."what's the point? Is it really worth all that time and money if God is directing you elsewhere?". Point taken, thanks Naomi:)
I am reminded of a passage in Hebrews that compares our walk with a race . . .
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. (Hebrews 12:1 NLT)
Our hope is that when God opens the door, we will be ready for the next step, unhindered by anything that would hold us back--which is why we are wanting to cast away anything that can weigh us down.
Our biggest prayer is that we won't be drawn back into the pressures and stresses of life here as we prepare for whatever God has in store.
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