Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Small Miracles

Our life of adventure continues as we settle, learn, adapt and connect with the people around here.  It's been busy as we've been teaching ESL, working with the kids, helping with homework, chasing critters and building relationships with the incredible staff.  Our children are relaxing more and we are finding ways to keep connected with home.  We are rejoicing in small miracles along the way.

When we arrived, we were told that there may be rats in the ceiling of the mission house.  Traps were set and a couple were caught right away.  After that, the skittering has ceased and all remains quiet.  What's crazy is we are not stressed or worried, but all just taking it in stride (amazing, considering my complete dislike of ANY rodent).

Our house inhabitants are not limited to our family, however.  We have the many geckos who help us with the mosquitos.  I still startle when I see one running across the table or up the wall, but I'm getting used to them.  The most challenging part of having them around is coming up with daily stories to keep the younger boys entertained about "Ordie",Ethan's gecko.  

We've worked together with the children and mamas on cleaning the dorms, hauling compost, chasing  escapee chickens and catching runaway baby goats.  Weekly, we bake up a treat for everyone and often find ourselves blessed back with corn, bananas or other extra treats from the mamas.

Cooking is getting easier, as we find recipes we love, fruits and veggies that add delicious flavours and now, learning to use my new favorite cooking tool--the pressure cooker.  No longer do we fret if we forgot to soak beans,  they can still be cooked just right by lunch time.  Some of our new favourites: poori, stir fry zucchini, tortillas, refried beans and salsa, rice pudding and lime pudding.   

Today was perhaps the biggest breakthrough.  Our youngest, Ethan, wanted to go to the market with us.  He's shy, dislikes crowds and isn't particularly fond of anything new.  Despite the crowds, the attention his blond hair and blue eyes drew and the walk, he wants to go back next week because he loves buying bananas!!  

ESL has been another small miracle.  Years of homeschooling, teaching kids to read and adapting curriculum have helped me as we teach over 40 students basics in English.  We've now advanced to simple describing sentences.  It doesn't sound like much, but it's only been 6 lessons.  Today's class was taught in the dark in the middle of a very loud thunderstorm (in a building with a metal roof). The students still managed to learn, thanks to our "English team"!

Rainy season has also began.  It's early this year . . .so there's some anxiety about the crops not being finished.  I had hoped that the rain of Monday wasn't a sign of more to come, but there's been rain both Tuesday and today, each more steady than the last.  The temperature is cooler, but the humidity leaves everything feeling a bit damp.  It's not unpleasant, but it is different.  I think we will be washing our shoes more often, it's rather muddy.

We've been thrilled to discover that Skype works from our mission house.  This is very exciting, it opens doors for us to connect more often with family and friends.  It's great until you see the tears in your loved ones faces . . .then the reality of the distance hits . . .letters are starting to arrive, too, only 3 weeks from Canada to here.  We will answer every letter we receive:)

The routine is starting to get settled and the novelty of everything new is beginning to fade.  We recognize that we are starting to settle in and prepare ourselves for the "long haul".  Life carries on back at home and for us, life is taking on a whole new course.  We are learning to appreciate more, complain less and recognize the small everyday miracles we witness.  It's not always going to be fast-paced, new and exciting, but it will be steady steps in making a small difference where we are.  

Thank you for your continued prayers, encouraging words and support.  We appreciate you!

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