Saturday, March 1, 2014

Thousands of Miles Apart

I remember trying to go to sleep.  It was dark, the stars were out and I had never felt so lonely.  I was in India as a young adult.  Communication was limited.  Despite the loneliness, I knew I wasn't alone.  The prayers of so many went before me, surrounded me and carried me home.  

When our family was dropped off at the airport with our mountains of luggage, I was hit with the reality of how far we were going--for 2 years!!!  Thankfully, technology has come a long way since India, enabling us to stay connected with our church family, friends and of course, family.  

Take this past week, for example.  We've been able to message friends, update insurance, clarify shipping for Fed Ex, talk to friends on Skype and Facebook prayer needs.  What an incredible gift!  Our family is surrounded by prayer, encouragement and support beyond what we ever imagined.  Thank you!

Even stronger than the support we've experienced has been the strength of God with us.  While the technology is fantastic to keep connected with home, the support through prayer is even greater.  We are learning to depend on God like never before.  There's been times we've been discouraged, overwhelmed and facing challenges and the next day we get a message, or scripture with words of encouragement that are exactly what we needed to hear!

Loneliness can strike anywhere.  You don't need to be on the other side of the world.  It's a harsh feeling of isolation that can overwhelm you, even in a crowd, family or when you are surrounded by friends.  Being (or feeling) alone can hit even deeper.  It can include a sense that nobody cares anymore.  Both can be potentially dangerous.  

How can this be combated? A step in overcoming loneliness can begin with being honest and vocalizing how you feel.  As hard as it is, it means stepping out and connecting, instead of hoping someone will converse with you.  Often we can be our own biggest enemies when it comes to loneliness and isolation.   Start with bridging communication.  

Being or feeling alone is more challenging, especially if you are separated from friends or family or don't have many people you can connect with.  Reality is, no matter how you feel, you are not truly alone.  God has promised to never leave you or forsake you, no matter where you are or how you feel.  (Psalms 139:9-10)

How can I share this so confidently?  After the first month, we were all hit with bouts of loneliness.  Communication was slow and in a sense it felt like we were beginning to be forgotten.  A slow shift came when we deliberately took the time to contact friends with personal messages, emails, letters and phone calls.  Communication goes both ways and we needed to take initiative to reach out.  

More rarely, we've had moments of feeling alone.  In those moments, I found I had to make the conscious choice to look to God.  By praying, reading His word and reminding myself of His promises, the feelings of being alone left.  It took effort, beyond what I felt, but as I focused on God, I quickly realized that I was not alone.  

I am not minimizing the ache of loneliness, the agony of being alone or the overwhelming heaviness of depression.  I know that God can help you through each of these obstacles.  His promises are true, His presence is real and He is with you always, even when you are thousands of miles away!

If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast. (Psalm 139:9, 10 NIV)

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