Sunday, February 23, 2014

Bug bites and beyond

After posting about mosquito nets, safety and God's protection, there is another side to the story.  Nets and protection are good and advisable, but there is still no guarantee you will be completely protected from bug bites.  Even the best of products, screens and protection can fail.

Now, taking this a deeper, are we, as believers, immune to troubles, wounds or heartbreak?  As we travel this beautiful land, we can see scars, broken buildings and tangible reminders of the horrific genocide 20 years ago this spring.  Believers were not immune to death, torture and shame.  Elsewhere in the world, pain is evident and suffering is very real, even among followers of Christ.  

So where's this protection and covering?  Why do bad things happen to people who follow and love God?  Does the safety God offers really make a difference?  

Submitting to God's plan never means a trouble-free life.  You will face struggles, times of stretching, feelings of hopelessness and tragedy.  Does this mean God had left us?  Not at all.  The Bible doesn't give us a guarantee of a trouble-free life, but when we choose to walk with God, He is with us, by our side, never leaving us or forsaking us.  

How can something good come out of some of the most unimaginable circumstances?  It is only with God that good can come out of darkness--IF we let Him.  Find a character in the Bible that did not face dire or challenging circumstances.  See how God brought them through.  

Being a follower of Christ doesn't guarantee a life free from trials or difficulties, but it does allow you to experience God's blessing, peace, strength and help, especially through these times of trouble.

We are not expecting every moment here to be joyous and easy.  Even the journey of getting here has had challenges, trials, disappointments and times where we were literally depending on God right up to the last second before He intervened.  However, the peace that we have had in allowing Him to walk us through our troubles has carried us daily.  

God is here, He loves you and longs for a relationship with you.  All you need to do is ask.  Admit you are a sinner (no one is perfect).  Believe that Jesus died for your sins.  His death on the cross has given us access to heaven.  Apart from Him, we can never achieve this on our own.  Confess He is your Lord--basically, turn control of your life over to Him.  It will change your life--GUARANTEED!  While you do relinquish control, you are also partnering with the Creator of heavens and earth who loves you, has plans for you and who has promised to never leave or forsake you . . .wow!   

This is life-changing.  Don't keep this news to yourself.  Read the Bible, God's Word and get connected with a church. Your life will never be the same!!

May God richly bless you!!

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