Monday, November 4, 2013


The news story caught my attention--a small village in Norway that sits in darkness for 6 months out of the year.  They recently bought 4 giant mirrors and positioned them up on the mountain tops to reflect the sunlight into their village.  It was a huge risk, with great cost, but it was a success!  The village of 3000 can now enjoy sunlight.  The mirrors are control by computer so they can be adjusted to best reflect the rays of sunlight.

I've been reflecting on how God uses us, not to shine our own light, but to be a reflection of Him.  Just as the moon doesn't produce it's own light (yet shines so brightly), so should our lives be a reflection of God to those around us.  Too often we forget the we can be the only picture of God's hands and feet that people experience. 

It was recently said to me that if God truly wanted to reach Rwanda, He would do so Himself, that white people shouldn't be the ones swooping in and saving them.   True, white people shouldn't be the ones doing the "saving", (any more than black, Hispanic, Asian or  any other people group).  Our job isn't to come in and save, but it is to be a reflection of God wherever He calls us. 

The key is remembering we are to reflect, not shine in our own strength.  We need to keep ourselves reminded that our strength and light comes from God in us, not we ourselves.  Anything more or less becomes our own strength. 

Just as those mirrors need to be realigned to where the sun is shining, so we too need to adjust our perspectives, attitudes, and actions to continually be aligned with where God wants us to be.  Keep in the Word, with our thoughts and hearts fixed towards Him and He will direct us to where we need to be to be best used by Him.

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