Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Hello everyone. Have you ever noticed how life sometimes makes changes that you never expect? We have seen a lot here in this amazing country of Rwanda.  Genocide memorial week here covered the news this past week. Some of the rules in place for the week include: a half day working only in the morning, no drums to be played, no football (soccer) games, if children are to play it is quietly, and respectfully.  I have looked over the valley here and see the city in the distance, I have to wonder what it would have looked like  20 years ago.  I my mind, I can see fire in many places, gunshots all over, people running, screaming, general mayhem  and anarchy in a very short order. I look at the mist, I cannot help wonder what was going on  a night before, or even few hours earlier,  Did anyone know trouble was brewing, or was the events a complete blindside. Much does not make sense, even years later- i have heard so many people have thought "what was I thinking? Where do i go?  Now what?"  Yet, in the midst of it, the people are making strides to heal the wounds of the past.  I have learned the government tries to provide many opportunities to get counselling to deal with the emotional scars.  Many meetings are in the afternoon to allow people to express emotion, or just to talk.  I find the healing that has happened  has been small, but profound steps.
As i look at the events of the last week, how parallel our life is compared to the people here.  I have learned of emotion that can only be found in loosing a close person.  I have learned to have a lot more patience in knowing I cannot change to many circumstances.  I have learned of how deep that fog can quickly become.  I have learned gained a deeper level of crying out in a time of need, Somehow God brings just the right people into play.  My life is not big, but my God is, even if I do not have a clue what to do.
My life is forever altered in a moment.  My friends here over the age of 20 were altered on a moment. They have learned to start differently. I see the growth has been incredible in this country; while mine will just begin. Healing has progressed, i hope mine does too. Are you ready if time is cut short?  However many car accidents or shootings or whatever bad may come, are you ready for eternity? With  Easter approaching quickly, I had to wonder as much as Jesus spoke of His death coming, how much did it  blindside them at the day of?  When Jesus rose again, he gave the disciples a new life, a new purpose, a new direction.  He conquered the finality of he grave,  lives now transformed.

Renae is no longer with us, she is in a better place, totally transformed.  We shall celebrate her life on April 23, Lethbridge, at 1:30.   
Sometimes God does change plans very quickly..... 

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