Friday, October 18, 2013

Intention Purpose

It is 90 days until we move, 3 months, 1/4 of a year.  We've been working hard on school, reducing our things, intense business training, preparing crafts to sell to fundraise, planning for what we will be doing in Rwanda . . .and trying not to panic.  Now don't get me wrong.  We KNOW we are to be there, but the process of preparing for Rwanda is just that--a process.

Along this journey, the life lessons are adding up to be too many to count.  Probably the biggest life lesson that is standing out to me right now is that of PURPOSE.  A few days ago, one of my kids had a dream.  He was so excited to share it with me, he could barely get it out.  His eyes were bright with enthusiasm and his voice went higher with each word as he shared how in his dream he was able to help plan a game at a school. He finished by saying that even the older kids played too (a big deal when you are only 7).  What was so amazing is he realized that he had a purpose and a job to do. 

Purpose--"intention", "determination", "goal".  What is incredible is that God created each one of us with a purpose, with intention, with a goal set in mind.  A few months ago, our pastor shared how God wrote all the days of our life, before a single day had passed (Psalms 139:16).  It's amazing to see how God has a clear intention or purpose for each one of us. He has gifted us with skills, abilities, personalities and strengths with a distinct purpose in mind.  How incredible is that?

It's easy to drift through life wondering what our purpose is or trying to fulfill the purpose of someone else. Too often, I've found myself falling into that trap of wondering why I couldn't' be more like . . . It's taken me way too long to acknowledge that just maybe God created me the way I am for a distinct purpose.  Instead of looking to others to shape who I was to be, I started looking to God for my purpose and direction.  It was at that point that my life took a dramatic shift. 

About 3 years ago, we went to a family camp where the speakers taught on personality types, strengths, weakness and accepting one another as how God created them.  This camp changed our lives.  As we explored our personality types further, we began to see how God created each of us unique and each personality has incredible strengths.  When we took a course on gifts led by our pastor just over a year later, we began to discover our strengths and purpose as a family.  This led us to lay aside certain involvements and focus on others that would work towards strengthening our family. 

The point in all of this is saying that each one of us has a purpose.  There's not one purpose more grand than another.  It's been frustrating to hear people say that they wish they could do what we are doing.  Why?  If you are fulfilling the purpose you know that God has called you to fill, you are exactly where you need to be.  Each of us have a purpose given by God.  They can be for a time, season or a lifetime.  It comes down to being willing to ask God what His purpose is for you . .. and just listen.  He will show you, He will direct you.

This is a great link to a personality/strength test that helped us with finding our strengths and gave us great tips on communicating with one another.

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