Friday, October 4, 2013


The best way to describe how I've been feeling the last few days is "humbled".  Now this has had both positive and negative connotations to it.

For example, having my house turned upside down due to renovations and getting surprise company can be a bit humbling (embarrassing, humiliating)  Or, having my husband and his coworkers try to walk into the garage crammed with both work and house stuff can bring out some humble pie . . .and I don't even want to mention where the back yard is in all of this . . .it is not that my housekeeping skills are lacking (much), honestly, it just feels a bit overwhelming right now.  Even the fact that I can't get to blogging has added to my general taste of "humble pie"...

However, on the flip side, I am humbled (grateful, in awe of, overwhelmed) by all that God has been doing.  First of all Kim's business. We have had the great privilege of being in the process of training a family to carry it on for us.  To be honest, what good does a business with one employee do when you leave the country? Our biggest concern were the customers.  Who would make sure they were getting a quality job done?  This wasn't something that could be just handed off to anybody.  When we were approached by this family (even before we were "advertising" we were looking for someone), we knew God was at work.  Seeing how they share Kim's passion, workmanship and business ethic is truly a gift from God.  

Another area of humbling has been financial and support raising.  We are a single income family, there's not room for a lot of extras.  Yet, we are moving to Africa . . .this takes money.  It's been humbling asking for support and more humbling when people offer to support us.  This strips away our independence and forces us to recognize we are part of a much bigger picture.  It's not just the "Wilson Family" going to Rwanda. It's a team--those who support us, pray for us, give one time--each playing a key role in what will be happening overseas.  

I am learning that it's way beyond what I see and feel.  The reality of what we are stepping out into is so beyond what I can even comprehend, I find myself being stripped away of my securities and brought to compete and utter dependence on God.  Humbled.  


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