Sunday, July 21, 2013

Good, Better, Best

I was chatting with a friend over lunch.  In the middle of our conversation, I must have referred to Rwanda because she asked me if I was pretty sure we were going to be going over longer term.  I found myself answering with the now familiar,"We are pretty sure, but . . . ". 

So, what does that really mean?  I am reminded of a saying I heard as a child, "Good. Better. Best. Let's never rest, until our good is better and our better is best".  How does this apply missions in our family right now?

Good:  Recognizing there is a need and no longer ignoring it.  

Better:  No longer ignoring the need, but wanting to step in to meet this need.

Best:  Being confident that you are the one called to meet this need . . .and being willing to let it go if you are not the best fit for this need.

Good for us was traveling to Mexico. As a family, our eyes were opened to the needs around us and a life-shifting change in perspective took place.  With that awareness, we were made more aware of how self-centred our culture can be.  We came back from Mexico feeling rather uncomfortable with our comfy life.

Later, being asked to consider missions overseas, brought us to a place of being willing to step out and meet the need.  With this consideration comes a wide range of emotions (fear, inadequacy, excitement, pride, faith and ultimately surrender).  It's one thing to be willing to step in to meet the need--being willing to lay down everything for the sake of the call--but is that the best?

We've reached to point of being willing to go, but what is still missing is the 100% assurance that we are the right fit for the job.  While Rwanda appears to be a good fit for us in every way, the question remains if we are the best fit for the people of Rwanda.  Our hearts are truly willing and we are being drawn to Africa, but we want to know for certain that this is God's best for our family.  

We've learned that being good at something doesn't automatically mean that this is the best for us.  At the heart of it all remains an attitude of surrender before God.   

The message Bible says it well:    We humans keep brainstorming options and plans, but God 's purpose prevails. (Proverbs 19:21 MSG).

Above all, our passion and purpose as a family is to do what God sees as best. There is no denying the mounting excitement as our trip to Rwanda approaches. We don't want to rush ahead of God. 

Please keep us in prayer as we trust God for clarity and direction as we visit Rwanda.  We don't want to settle for good or better when God has His best for us.

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