Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Count it all Joy

It's been a week of waiting on God.  We've had doctor, massage and physiotherapy appointments.  In the midst of that was an attempt to work, which ended painfully for Kim.  Jobs continue to come in, but it's a helpless feeling when you want to meet the customer's needs, but are physically unable to. Added to that is the lack of income, bills coming in and a looming trip to Africa.  The week has been challenging.

We are coming up to day 12 of this injury.  In some ways, not very long, but in others, painfully long.  We are faced with reality that trust is a deliberate choice, not something you say once and it's done.  There have been times where we've questioned God, wondered if this was a punishment, been frustrated and just plain depressed.  I've tried to be optimistic, but in the end, the only thing Kim and I can do is be honest with our emotions and pass the weight of this situation over to God.  We have been brought (continually) to the point where it is a deliberate surrender of how we are feeling and a choosing to trust that God will take care of us.  

Despite how things may look, we are seeing the humour.  For months, Kim has been praying for the right helper to come along side.  Well, I am asking him to stop praying for a helper, because we have so many offers to help, there's no way he could keep everyone busy!  I know I haven't laughed as often as I should, and I do tend to take things too seriously, but God has a way of bringing something in to bring out bursts of laughter.  Daily, we are seeing blessings come as we are reminded to put our trust in Him.

It feels like we are in an intense boot camp, training for whatever is to come.  Instead of shying away from this lesson and "running for the hills", I think our faith has turned a corner as we plant our feet firmly and hold on tightly to what we know.  Any reliance on our own confidence is being stripped away . . .but it is good.

So, what do we know?
-Kim's knee is stretched, not torn.  Already healing is taking place and progress is being see.
-Our needs are being met, despite the lack of income, God is providing.
-This is a minor bump in the road, not a major setback.

Proverbs 3:5-6, Jeremiah 29:11, Philippians 4:13

In all our years of walking with God, has He EVER let us down?  

So why would we worry now?

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