Monday, April 1, 2013

Little Seeds

When Kim and I were thinking about the approaching interview for missions, we did our best to talk through as much as we could. One question we wondered might come up was how many people we had led to Christ. Even as we vocalized it, I felt myself inwardly cringing. I am not a numbers person. My life's goals are not consumed by how many people I've "witnessed" to. For me, relationship is needed and being sensitive to where God is directing me is vital. There's been times where someone in our family has run into a church acquaintance during the week and barely recognizes who they are (because their actions were so opposite of how they are on Sunday). This has been sobering. I tend to be a "what you see us what you get" person, so seeing contrasts during the week is disturbing (but it happens). I know I am quite transparent with my feelings (even more so when I write), so I can't pretend to be someone I am not.

Back to the cringing with the "soul winning" thing. . .I am not afraid to share my faith, but I would much rather use actions. Words come and go quickly, but your actions and day to day living demonstrate who you are and what you believe on a much deeper level. While I may not have the quick answer to persuade my neighbour to Christ, I can deliver a meal and just listen when they are going through a tough time.

But, when I stop and try to thing of actual numbers, it's easy to feel inadequate as a Christian. I can't say that I've personally led hundreds to Christ . . .to be honest, I have no idea, we taught kids ministry for many years, but???? However, have I been able to inspire and encourage? I would hope so, using gifts, talents and opportunities God has given me. If I can encourage someone to get one step closer to God, haven't I played a part?

Too often we count ourselves as insignificant because we aren't the one preaching from the pulpit, bringing the masses to church or leading a bible study, but wait! God can use us right where we are at, we just need to be willing.

During the week where Kim and I were feeling the most inadequate, God brought a student to us who needed Jesus. Only a few days into her stay, she made a decision for Christ. We didn't see her as some " project" or "target", she was a young lady who wanted to know more about Canada. She was searching and we were in the right place at the right time to be used by God.
We just learned that she's already been sharing Jesus with her family! Wow! A seed sown, a seed being used by God!

It's the same with this mission trip. God isn't able to use us any more then anyone else. Just because we may end up in Africa doesn't mean you can't be used any less right where you are. We ALL can be used by God to reach those He puts in our path. Isn't that exciting? Don't ever let yourself feel inferior or insignificant just because you aren't doing what the person beside is doing. God has so much for you. Hey, if God can use us, God can use anyone:) We all have little seeds to sow.

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