Surrender, it's just one word, yet it can make such a difference. I remember when I was preparing for a mission trip to India and God brought me to a point of surrendering all that was near and dear to me at the time (even to the point of asking me if I was willing to risk my life). It wasn't a quick and easy choice . . .it took me over a week to surrender all that God asked of me. As a result of those choices years ago, my faith was multiplied.
Surrender takes on a whole new level when it goes beyond yourself. Surrender looks much different when you are now looking at a surrender of your spouse, your children, your home, etc. I can't help but sympathize with Abraham (or Sarah, for that matter) when he was asked to sacrifice Isaac. What would have been going through his head? Did he ever fear for the life of his child? What about Isaac? Did he sense that his life was on the line? What an incredible act of surrender!
When each of our children were born, we had them dedicated. It was a touching time in front of the church, and what were we doing? We were dedicating (or surrendering) our children to God.
So, after that, why are we surprised when God nudges us to surrender our family to Him?
It was a few years ago that one of my children approached me and said very seriously that they felt that they would not be staying in North America long term--they felt a call to missions. At that point, I had a whole new understanding and appreciation for my parents when they allowed me to spend 4 months in India as an 18 year old (later, when I almost died . . .I am sure they had some second thoughts). Surrender, when it impacts the life and well-being of those you care about, is probably the most difficult.
What we fail to understand is that God loves those we care about way more than we can ever comprehend. Surrender includes entrusting that which is precious to us into the hands of Someone who can truly protect, teach, guide, care for and love far better than I ever could.
So, back to my child . . . after that first second of panic, I felt like God reminded me that His plans and purposes were much bigger, and I could entrust this child in His hands). Time passed, I truly thought that I had surrendered my children . . .until one of my youngest sons told me in Mexico, that he didn't think he should ever go home because there was so much work for him to do there. My heart skipped a beat and tears filled my eyes because I could so easily see him involved in missions.
Yes, I know that this could all be a long time from now, but surrender isn't about missions, it's not about waiting for your kids to grow up, it's for today. Anything we hold too tightly to can easily get in the way of us trusting (or entrusting) God. So what is it that needs to be surrendered? For me, it is whatever comes to mind when I ask God. All to Jesus, I need to surrender.
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