Monday, November 12, 2012

Many Hands Make Light Work

Well we sure jumped in to working with both feet! Several people didn't get much sleep last night (including Kim, Nathan and Abigail) due to a bought of upset stomach, but that didn't stop the team from being incredibly productive.

The job site crew got started quickly and impressed the crew boss with how well they worked together. Joel accomplished his goal of joining the bus and loving the kids (he said he had 2 kids on his lap). I ended up at the ladies home (New Beginnings) helping cook a meal for a bible study group. We made over 300 cookies, 2 huge pots of beans, tortillas, cactus salad and pulled pork and beef.

While at New Beginnings, my girls were playing with young girls who had seen a much different side of life. It was amazing to see them laughing and playing together just as loud and giggly if it were with their Canadian friends. So awesome!

This evening we drove through some trails to a mission where we served the food. People were crowded everywhere! It was like the loaves and dishes that Jesus multiplied, we fed everyone and even had beans left over!

The kids did a great puppet show (thanks Matt and Charmaine for lending us the puppets) and we were able to encourage the people there. By the time we arrived back at Welcome Home, it felt much later than 7:30. We were tired, blistered and had sore feet, but so happy for what was accomplished. Thanks for your continued prayers, everyone is healing up and we continue to pray for good health.

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