Monday, February 25, 2013

Step By Step

It is said that life is a journey, and every journey begins with a step. Some steps are confident, sure and full of promise, while others can be tentative, cautious or even unwilling. It's interesting, when I think of taking steps, I can't help but think of the parable of the talents. Two servants took what was given to them and moved forward, while one took what was given to him and buried it (or froze). This has me thinking about how often we can seemingly hit a brick wall.

So what is it that can make you clam up, freeze, or shut down? Often, it can be a traumatic event that brings to you a screeching stop. How do you move on after a death, divorce, injury or other life-changing event? What a challenge! There is no easy solution, except to slowly (and often painfully) put one step in front of the other. I've come to understand how deeply a tragedy can impact your life and all you want to do is curl up under a blanket and block out the rest of life. While grieving or dealing with the situation is vital, a part of healing is beginning to step again.

What about the infamous "rat race" or "getting stuck in a rut"? It's easy, comfortable, and predictable, but not necessarily what we are to always do with our life. Carving out a new path is hard, especially if it's not just for you, but for your family as well. It was just over a year ago, that I felt God was asking our family to carve out a new path. Well I acknowledged it, I didn't know exactly what that would look like. Our trip to Mexico certainly shifted our thinking (which is a good start), but where the path goes from here, I don't honesty know . . .

Which brings up another aspect of stepping forward. We often don't see the whole path, but only a small glimpse of what is next to come. This can be very unnerving for planners like me! I think often of Peter, disciple of Christ. When Jesus came walking on the water, Peter put out a challenge, asking if it were really Him, to ask him to come. Can you imagine what Peter felt when Jesus said, "Come"? Peter didn't know if the water would hold him, he didn't know what would happen in the storm, but he did step out. Even when the waves overwhelmed him, Jesus was right there. Wow! What if we are too scared to take the first step and miss the miracle? I don't want security and comfort to keep me from having the courage to step out when God calls me.

I am reminded that our Christian walk was never designed to be easy, but God has promised to always be with us! Let's just keep stepping forward and trust that God will direct our path.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path." Proverbs 3:5 & 6

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