Friday, January 18, 2013

So What's the Point?

My husband came home from a meeting with an alarming stat of how many children, raised in a Christian home, decide to not attend church once they reach adulthood. It's something I've seen, but until now (where my teens are fast approaching adulthood), I really didn't pay attention. This poses a much deeper question of why we do what we do, are we simply "Going through the motions" as the Matthew West song says? What makes the difference? I believe it's a sense of purpose . . . But ask me again in 20 years:)

So often I have seen, heard and asked "what's the point?". Purpose. It's been said that if you aim for nothing, that is what you will get. This is so true in life, both in long term and short term goals . . .even with hopes, dreams, parenting, etc. Like so many other lessons in life, I can tie this back to our trip to Mexico. Our purpose in setting up chairs for 3 years was our mission's fund, our purpose for the trip to Mexico was to get our thoughts and focus off of ourselves and onto the needs of others. Our ultimate goal was accomplished and we've come home with a renewed focus.

In saying that, however, I am not portraying that we "have it all together". . .I have so much growing to do and our family is no where near perfection.

Since I started homeschooling,10 years ago, my goal has been to always instill in my kids a sense of purpose for them and their lives. This can be exemplified through their curriculum, activities and even their free time passions. I've had to recognize that each of them are different and allow them to be free to be who they have been called to be. Now, as I have 3 teens, I see different giftings rise up in them.

I cannot control their future choices, I have to trust that the seeds planted will bear fruit in the right season. I can, however, present opportunities for them to recognize that they have gifts and strengths to offer others, and, my husband and I need to lead by example by demonstrating that we have gifts and strengths to offer those around us. We can serve wholeheartedly, love wholeheartedly, and believe that God will direct us to where we can make a difference.

God says that when you seek Him with your whole heart, you will find Him--don't be afraid to seek Him for His purpose for you!

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