My heart is taking me in two directions as I write today, so please bear with me. As we witnessed and dealt with the sudden flooding, I was amazed at how quickly life can take on a whole new direction. In just a few short hours, you can go from trying to wrap up your school year, write exams and welcome summer to being evacuated quickly to avoid rushing flood waters. Jobs, businesses and day to day life changes dramatically without a chance to physically or mentally prepare. We can make our plans, but God knows what the future holds.
At the same time, I am reading of northern India, where over 1000 lost their lives in flash flooding. Many more are now homeless with limited infrastructure to help them rebuild. What started as a holiday or pilgrimage ended with a tragic, life-altering event. How does one even begin to pick up the pieces and move forward?
On perhaps a different scale altogether, I can relate. In a way, I feel as though our life has been suspended between two worlds. A year ago, we knew we were to be focusing on missions. Our upcoming trip to Mexico had been anticipated for nearly 3 years. Both the preparation ahead of time and the trip itself proved to be life-shifting. We didn't really go through the let-down after the trip . . .instead, we found ourselves thrown into the intensity of an ill child over the holidays. After that, our family focus was reaching out to a mom in need, then dealing with her tragic suicide. Squeezed in the middle of that was a question that set a whole new adventure in motion, "Would we be willing to GO?".
By no means is this complaining. If anything, placing the last year's events in a timeline helps me to understand where I am today--suspended between here and Africa. Would we go? Yes! Did we expect this? No, but God doesn't usually give us plenty of warning before our lives are turned upside down. While our hearts are drawn to Africa, there's still the waiting, praying, visiting and deciding. We know God will show us if we are to move, but life needs to carry on here. Downsizing needs to take place, but not necessarily getting rid of everything. Planning and saving for Rwanda needs to happen, but working and carrying on with business and life day to day must remain stable . In every way, we are caught between two worlds. Normal for our family is undefined as we seek out where our fit is.
Immediately after finding out about Africa, God gave me a verse:
Yet I am confident I will see the Lord ’s goodness while I am here in the land of the living. Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord. (Psalms 27:13, 14 NLT)
Even though we wonder what tomorrow will bring, we can wait upon the Lord.
For my friends who are displaced, suspended between two worlds, my prayers are with you. May God surround you with peace in this time of uncertainty, grant you rest wherever you are and provide for your every need. You are not forgotten!